Nội dung thư như sau:
"Dear all,
we are owner of La Linea s.r.o. = textile printing factory in Dvůr Králové nad Labem. We are specialized in printing of shirtings and decorative fabrics.
We are looking for contacts (mail and address) of the weaving mills in region of northern Vietnam.
We are interested in fabrics in grey material or prepared for dyeing, especially in the articles with the following compositions:
- 100% cotton, width 63“ grey = 59“ PFD (= prepared for dyeing)
- 100% linen, width 58 – 59“ PFD
- 97% cotton and 3% elastane, width 59“ PFD
Thank you in advance for your help and advice.
With best regards,
SIMATEX spol. s r.o.
Šárka Marková
Tel: +420 603 506043
E-mail: sarka.markova@simatex.cz"
Quý Doanh nghiệp Việt Nam có quan tâm xin liên hệ trực tiếp với đối tác Séc nêu trên hoặc với Thương vụ Việt Nam tại Séc theo địa chỉ:
Vietnam Trade Office in Czech
Rasinovo nabrezi 38, 128 00 Praha 2
Czech republic
Tel: +420 607 926 666
E-mail: cz@moit.gov.vn
Thương vụ Việt Nam tại Czech
Nguồn: Vietnamexport.com.vn